If you an owner of active puppy, you can direct his energy in useful direction - in training. You will need proper dog equipment specially intended for puppies. Pay your attention to this Jute Bite Roll that is effective for the first stages of bite training. Transform bite exercises in exciting game and your small German Shepherd will perform your commands with more enthusiasm.

Rolled Jute German Shepherd Bite Tug

Jute German Shepherd Bite Tug with 2 Rope Handles
This Bite Puppy Roll is made of rolled jute material that is stitched at the edges. Having diameter 1 3/4 inch this bite tug is maximally comfortable for biting by small dogs. Your pet will be able to bite it without any discomfort and any harm for his teeth.
This bite tug is suitable for training or playing with puppy over supervision of his owner. Don't leave your doggy playing with such dog equipment without your control. It is necessary for safety of your pet.